SALON: Teaching Fandom: Fandom, Fanworks, and Fan Studies in the Classroom

The salon discussion is guided by the question of why we teach fandom and fan studies. It not only offers room to think about how fandom can be taught and integrated into educational settings but also allows us to reflect on the issues connected with moving fandom out of its originary setting and on our responsibilities as educators, scholars and fans in this context.  Moderator Jonathan Rose has been inviting students to go down the fandom rabbit hole since 2016, looking at Victor/Clerval slash in his Frankenstein seminars, using Harry Potter fan theories to think about adaptations or literary theories or creating a multi-fandom fanzine together with his students, including those who hadn’t heard of fanfiction before.  

Participants will share teaching experiences, discuss successes and failures in bringing fandom to the classroom, and reflect on what fandom and fan studies have to offer in educational settings. 

Participants: Jonathan A. Rose (University of Passau), Tvine Donabedian (Simon Fraser University), Kelsey Entrikin (University of Strathclyde), Stacey Lantagne (University of Mississippi), Regina Yung Lee (University of Washington, Seattle) (moderator: Paul Booth)

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